Let us help you grow your company

We can help you access and leverage government tax credits and grants through non-dilutive financing to get access to quick capital when you need it the most


Dedicated to Empowering Entreprenuers

Bonsai Growth was established with the specific goal and focus to assist Canadian companies with their financing and strategic needs. Our team has over 20 years of experience in this field, honing our craft in assisting companies with creative solutions to reach their business objectives. We offer non-dilutive financing solutions by leveraging tax credits, government initiatives and receivables that allow access to the funds faster. We can also provide and facilitate matching funds to help unlock government programs that require cash contributions

Group of coworkers looking at some paperwork on the floor


Dilutive vs Non-Dilutive Financing

Companies usually have two options for capital – Dilutive or Non-Dilutive. Dilutive capital generally requires founders to give up equity while non-dilutive capital, such as debt and grants allow a company to retain their equity and sell it at a later date at ideally a higher valuation. 


Each have their general pros and cons:




-Typically, the cheaper form of financing in the short term

-Can find strategic investors

-Can potentially lead to control issues as the company is in growth mode

-Longer closing and diligence times




-Allows a company to hold onto their equity while working towards growing their valuation

-Quick turn around times to capital deployment

-Some funders can help with partners and resources for growth

-Can leverage assets like tax credits and grants that other investors may not 

-Can be more expensive than dilutive financing in the short term


Non-Dilutive is the way.

We are strong believers in non-dilutive financing being the way a company can maximize their future growth. This is because holding onto your company shares allows for greater options in the future by allowing for an equity raise when the timing makes the most sense. The higher short term costs tied to non-dilutive financing should be outweighed by the benefits in the long term and control.

Business partnership
where we lend

So many programs..

SRED Tax Credits

We'll help leverage your current and accrued SRED tax credits to help reinvest in your company


By Providing matching funds or by lending against future payments we can help leverage your IRAP contribution Agreement

Film and Digital Media

Both Provincial and Federal film and digital media tax credits can be used to securitize funding needed for your film and media projects


Leveraging your Sustainable Development Technology Canada investment to help grow faster

Alberta Innovates

Quick and easy financing against your Alberta Innovates Provincial funds to be received

Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Assistance with providing matching or financing against the various partnership programs

Ocean Supercluster

Helping with providing matching funds for Canada's Federal Ocean Supercluster program

Protein Supercluster

Helping with providing matching funds for Canada's Protein Supercluster program

AI Supercluster

Helping with providing matching funds for Canada's Federal AI Technology and Scale Supercluster program

We can help you access and leverage government tax credits and grants through non-dilutive financing to get access to quick capital when you need it the most
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